As I’m sure you are beginning to get a sense based on the content of this blog, Clara and I fall firmly into the “do” category. We’re the type of people who don’t just talk about the problems in this world, but actively work at solving some of them along the way. For this reason, Clara and I are attending the ChangeCamp in London this weekend to join members of the London community to plan for a brighter future. A few months ago I was able to attend the AgendaCamp via TVO, which was a similar conference aimed at networking with members of our community and developing a strategic plan for our city going forward and figuring out how to make these visions come true. It was a truly remarkable experience and I’m really looking forward to being a part of this event. Are you looking for a way to get involved in the community? See problems in our city that need solving? Tired of just complaining and want to start fixing? Why don’t you come join us at ChangeCamp this weekend! For more information, go to:
Facebook Community Page:
Facebook Event:!/event.php?eid=124634690892936
Media Alert:
Topic Suggestions:
Twitter: @changecampldn
Hope to see you there!
Jeff & Clara
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