Fun with Photoshop in London

It is either the stupidest mistake ever made or the most elaborate troll in the history of London. I am, of course, referencing the recent discovery that some photo peon inserted a poorly photoshopped image of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag skating into the 2011 London Annual Report (as seen on LFPress). I am honestly completely… Continue reading Fun with Photoshop in London

Don’t Ignore the Invisible Gorilla

Humans are crap at multitasking. There I said it. I’m not talking chewing bubble gum and walking at the same time, but the real stuff–like trying to talk to someone while you’re reading a book. People chortle on about how great they are at multitasking but, believe me, they are lying to themselves (and, more importantly, you).… Continue reading Don’t Ignore the Invisible Gorilla

Western Fair Access Program

Ensuring the Western Fair is accessible for people with disabilities has been a big problem, specifically a decision made last year to begin charging individuals with disabilities entry (which you can read about here). While I fully endorse PWDs paying full fare for entry, I do believe it’s unfair to ask the same of their… Continue reading Western Fair Access Program

A fitting celebration for 1 year online

A year ago today, May 1st 2010, Cripz: A Webcomic went online with its first comic (which you can see here). One of the main questions Clara and Jeff get about the comic is “Why did you decide to make a webcomic about disability?” While there isn’t any one answer, we felt it was an opportunity… Continue reading A fitting celebration for 1 year online

Operation: Stairbomb London

To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Cripz: A Webcomic going online, we’re asking everyone to grab their caution tape and shut down as many stairways as possible. What is Stairbombing? Stairbombing was invented to help people understand (and empathize) with why accessibility is important, by “closing down” stairways with caution tape and a snarky “Out… Continue reading Operation: Stairbomb London

Go see “Time To Put My Socks On” or else!

Just a heads up that a fabulous show starring disabled comedian Alan Shain is on TONIGHT in Ottawa at the Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre studio. The show is apparently fantastic, so says a savvy reviewer here. If you’re in Ottawa and looking for a gay ol’ night on the town, head over and see a… Continue reading Go see “Time To Put My Socks On” or else!

Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful

“The truth is, if I actually spent my days actively paying attention to every example of misogyny around me, I would be a profoundly unhappy woman. Not bitchy or grumpy or short-tempered, but paralyzingly depressed. Women have to train themselves to avoid consciously reacting to every bit of misogynistic detritus permeating the culture through which… Continue reading Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful

Wheelchair, engage!

Wheelchair controls come in all shapes and sizes. My electric chair is controlled through a pretty traditional joystick system, but I have friends who control their chairs with things like sensors on their headrest or a straw that controls the chair through blows and sucks. But apparently the people at MIT are working on a… Continue reading Wheelchair, engage!

Dating Advice…!

So, I’m toying with the idea of starting a mini dating advice column here.  Depending on the response, of course.  So if you’re sick of posting on Craigslist and following girls into alleys to no avail, and you want some dating advice, disability-related or otherwise, email me at  I’m an expert, you see, because… Continue reading Dating Advice…!


Yo.  Clara here in Jeff’s stead (he’s off hanging with Rick Hansen, f’realz).  Just stopping in to let all two people reading this know that this exists.  Like people of WalMart, but featuring people less innocently pathetic and more willfully jerkish.  This guy‘s by far my favourite.  He looks like he could just move right… Continue reading Seat-Robbers!