Cripz Goes to the Movies: Captain America

With the recent release of blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger, it seemed only fitting to take a swipe at it. We think the movie would have been much better if this is how the experiment had turned out… It’s a shame there weren’t any disabled characters in the movie. Why don’t they ever have… Continue reading Cripz Goes to the Movies: Captain America

Washington Trip – Day 12 – The Final Countdown

Today is our last full day in Washington and the plan was to take it relatively easy as we have a solid +14h drive home to Port Elgin tomorrow. The plan was to get up and hit Georgetown University to check out the bookstore and then a quick hop back to the mall to finish… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 12 – The Final Countdown

Washington – Day 11 – Wicked

Jeff woke up this morning in a bit of a funk–his allergies had finally gotten the best of him. What he’s allergic to, we may never know, so let’s just assume it’s “freedom.” After popping some Claritin we were off to enjoy a day of artistic discovery at the National Art Gallery. Note, we finally… Continue reading Washington – Day 11 – Wicked

Washington Trip – Day 10 – Star Gazing

In previous trips Jeff has embarked upon, he oft finds the days begin to follow thematic lines, whether intentional or not. Today was exactly that type of day–from the first moment we should have known we were in for a good one. Why is that? Well, as we pull out of the parking garage we… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 10 – Star Gazing

Washington Trip – Day 6, 7, 8, 9 – Family Reunion

When originally planning this trip south, the whole idea was to spend some time in South Carolina so Jeff could see his relatives, who had organized a family reunion of sorts. It had been several years since Jeff had seen some of his aunts, uncles and cousins and he was excited to hang out on… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 6, 7, 8, 9 – Family Reunion

Washington Trip – Day 5 – American History X

Another day in misty Washington DC. After the roaring sun yesterday, the cool, misty morning was a welcome change. Unfortunately, with this cooler weather came the rain. As such, we kept pretty close to the hotel this morning, hitting some of the boutiques Clara had her eye on. After lunch, we set off for again… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 5 – American History X

Washington Trip – Day 4 – 500 miles

It’s hard to believe we’ve already been in the US for half a week. Quarter of the trip gone. With that lingering thought, Clara and Jeff set off on one of the most epic days ever attempted while on vacation, which would be too much for both Clara’s feet and Jeff’s wheelchair. Yes, this blog… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 4 – 500 miles

Strange Neighbours

Yep, even though we’re on vacation we still put together a new comic for you guys–is that love or what? Jeff flew solo on this one–did you catch the satire? Clara didn’t…read it again. Think…..history….. Speaking of which, have you ever noticed how Americans are all “DO IT OR I’LL SHOOT YOU” and Canadians are… Continue reading Strange Neighbours