Signs you need to find a new driving school

Was leaving my condo on Friday when I snapped this gem of a photo. Note that this is the exact same handicapped spot where I found a police car and city official in the summer. While not as great as the cop car, I think finding a Driving School Instructor parked in a handicap spot… Continue reading Signs you need to find a new driving school

Trick o’ Treat Mah Criggas

Do you remember when you were a kid, going out trick-or-treating, how sometimes schools would give you a Unicef box to collect money for starving children while you filled your sacks with candy? Jeff’s surprised there isn’t a larger element of philanthropy when it comes to Halloween, given the whole “giving free candy to children,”… Continue reading Trick o’ Treat Mah Criggas

The Lazy Mexican

We think it’s important to point out that Jeff hasn’t been out for Halloween since he was about 6 or 7 years old: not because he’s against it or obligated to sit it out for some weird religious reasons, but rather because he has a nasty habit of getting sick toward the end of October.… Continue reading The Lazy Mexican

Things “The Game” Can’t Teach You

We were going to write a great bloggy blog about all the best things in the world, but instead Facebook decided to delete our fanpage, threaten to ban Jeff’s account and basically ruin everything. So, here’s the weekly comic, hope you enjoy it, and apparently Mark Zuckerberg wants to steal our idea…

Interrobang Cover: High School Election

We interrupt our regular scheduled programming for a very, very special announcement. Last week, Clara and Jeff were interviewed by an intrepid young reporter from the Interrobang and, drum roll please, we were asked to create a Cripz-themed cover for next week’s edition of Fanshawe College student newspaper. We were told next week’s edition, while… Continue reading Interrobang Cover: High School Election