Dishonourable Discharge

You’d be astonished how often a Paratransit bus “won’t see you” despite the fact you are sitting right on the front steps waiting. It’s almost like they never came at all… Also it should be pointed out the exchange Rhett has with the PT operator is only the SMALLEST of exaggerations. Jeff has been told… Continue reading Dishonourable Discharge

Telling Our Stories

Apologies for the late upload, Jeff’s Internet went offline moments before the Vancouver Canucks won last night and hasn’t been back until now. We blame Gary Bettman for this. Anyway, hope you enjoy the comic this week and check back next week for Part 3 of Rhett and Kate’s trip to Heroes.

Things “The Game” Can’t Teach You

We were going to write a great bloggy blog about all the best things in the world, but instead Facebook decided to delete our fanpage, threaten to ban Jeff’s account and basically ruin everything. So, here’s the weekly comic, hope you enjoy it, and apparently Mark Zuckerberg wants to steal our idea…

Welcome to Sexville, USA

Hope you’re all digging the second season so far. We’ve got lots of great stuff coming with Halloween, football season and Christmas just around the corner. In other news, all you Fanshawe students should keep an eye out for the Interrobang in a few weeks that will be featuring a cover drawn by Clara and… Continue reading Welcome to Sexville, USA


Given the amount of time (and cash) Clara and Jeff spend at the local comic book shop, it seemed fitting to feature the digs in our comic. Mad props to Brahm and the rest of the Heroes staff for getting us shamelessly addicted to the graphic novels: if you need a place to get great… Continue reading Heroes