Barcelona Travel Log — Day 13 — And then there were two…

As it was a month ago, Clara and I are once again separated by an ocean. Because of some mis-planning and bad calender abilities, we ended up having different return flights to Canada, with Clara leaving this morning and Melody and I flying out tomorrow morning. In order to make Clara’s flight, we got up early today and hit… Continue reading Barcelona Travel Log — Day 13 — And then there were two…

Barcelona Travel Log — Day Elev…Twelve?

So this morning, we actually woke up at the kind of time that tourists usually wake up.  Except like an hour later than most people in this hotel.  Still.  Good for us. After frittering away a couple of hours doing God knows what, it was time to head out to Placa Catalunya to aimlessly stroll… Continue reading Barcelona Travel Log — Day Elev…Twelve?