Washington – Day 11 – Wicked

Jeff woke up this morning in a bit of a funk–his allergies had finally gotten the best of him. What he’s allergic to, we may never know, so let’s just assume it’s “freedom.” After popping some Claritin we were off to enjoy a day of artistic discovery at the National Art Gallery. Note, we finally… Continue reading Washington – Day 11 – Wicked

Washington Trip – Day 3 – Patatas Bravas

Today was our first whole day in Washington DC and it promised to be an eventful one, given the whole 4th of July thing. Assuming that our day would be a little messy, we decided to spend some serious time plotting out our next few days and taking care of some procedural things, like getting… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 3 – Patatas Bravas

Barcelona Travel Log — Day 9 — I’m not good at gauging ratios!

Without a cloud in sight and the sun burning down, there was only one possible thing to do today–beach day. We had intended on getting an early start to things and navigate our way across the city, but were stymied by a sudden influx of foreigners who have no idea how the elevators work in… Continue reading Barcelona Travel Log — Day 9 — I’m not good at gauging ratios!