It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp

Jeff can’t even imagine what high school would have been like with the social networking technology available to teens now-a-days. Sexting definitely complicates the dating world a bit…although Jeff probably would have still spent most of his nights playing video games. Nerd. TRANSCRIPT: Cell 01 Flirty girl trying to ignore Tyler. Tyler: Yo, baby. Did… Continue reading It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp

Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful

“The truth is, if I actually spent my days actively paying attention to every example of misogyny around me, I would be a profoundly unhappy woman. Not bitchy or grumpy or short-tempered, but paralyzingly depressed. Women have to train themselves to avoid consciously reacting to every bit of misogynistic detritus permeating the culture through which… Continue reading Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful