Barcelona Travel Log — Day 1 — Jeff Sucks At Beating Jet Lag

As we were sitting here watching a brutally attacked man reach for corks on a shelf on a television soap opera we don’t understand, we decided to write a little blog post about how our trip is so far. Things got off to a bad start for Jefferoo when the flight attendant came to his… Continue reading Barcelona Travel Log — Day 1 — Jeff Sucks At Beating Jet Lag

The Sickness

Back with another comic, right on schedule! I’ve been busy preparing for my presentation tomorrow at Ignite London. Speaking of which, if you’re around tomorrow night you should come by Gigs Grillhouse on Talbot and see me speak! I’m up first, which will make my impending failure that much more spectacular. Come watch the fireworks!

Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful

“The truth is, if I actually spent my days actively paying attention to every example of misogyny around me, I would be a profoundly unhappy woman. Not bitchy or grumpy or short-tempered, but paralyzingly depressed. Women have to train themselves to avoid consciously reacting to every bit of misogynistic detritus permeating the culture through which… Continue reading Make Yourself Miserable or Make Yourself Useful