With the recent release of blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger, it seemed only fitting to take a swipe at it. We think the movie would have been much better if this is how the experiment had turned out… It’s a shame there weren’t any disabled characters in the movie. Why don’t they ever have… Continue reading Cripz Goes to the Movies: Captain America
Tag: handicapped parking
Washington Trip – Day 5 – American History X
Another day in misty Washington DC. After the roaring sun yesterday, the cool, misty morning was a welcome change. Unfortunately, with this cooler weather came the rain. As such, we kept pretty close to the hotel this morning, hitting some of the boutiques Clara had her eye on. After lunch, we set off for again… Continue reading Washington Trip – Day 5 – American History X
Signs you need to find a new driving school
Was leaving my condo on Friday when I snapped this gem of a photo. Note that this is the exact same handicapped spot where I found a police car and city official in the summer. While not as great as the cop car, I think finding a Driving School Instructor parked in a handicap spot… Continue reading Signs you need to find a new driving school
Well that doesn’t look good…
In case you missed it, a few months back my life long dream of catching a police car parked in a handicapped parking zone came true: it wouldn’t have been so funny if it wasn’t so sad and absurd at the same time. Absurdity has struck again in London, as yesterday on my walk to… Continue reading Well that doesn’t look good…