Part-time Job

I’m just thankful I have the proper permits…those mall cops take those stickers quite seriously. In other news, what exactly has Griff killed for? TRANSCRIPT: Cell 01 Rhett: Are you going to sign up for ODSP? Cell 02 Griff: I’m stackin’ too much paper my part-time job so I don’t qualify. Cell 03 Griff: S’okay though,… Continue reading Part-time Job


Hrm. This program sounds kind of familiar. TRANSCRIPT: Cell 01 CAPTION: After School… Principle: Now, Rhett, Mr. Harlem tells me you had some…ahem…choice…words regarding F.A.T.S? Cell 02 Harlem: Tell’um that mumbo jumbo you’ve been spewing all afternoon. Rhett: Converting physical labour into fetishized commodity is against the rules of nature. Cell 03 Principle: I think… Continue reading ODSP

Cripz Goes to the Movies: Captain America

With the recent release of blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger, it seemed only fitting to take a swipe at it. We think the movie would have been much better if this is how the experiment had turned out… It’s a shame there weren’t any disabled characters in the movie. Why don’t they ever have… Continue reading Cripz Goes to the Movies: Captain America

An Intervention: Fact vs Fiction

This week’s comic is the first in a many, many part series called “Interventions,” in which Rhett and Griff comment on some topical issues that have been bouncing around in the media, especially those particularly insane or ludicrous (or Ludacris…dependent on your tastes). Today’s steaming pile of brilliance comes from the Balmy Beach area of Toronto, where a… Continue reading An Intervention: Fact vs Fiction