A fitting celebration for 1 year online

A year ago today, May 1st 2010, Cripz: A Webcomic went online with its first comic (which you can see here). One of the main questions Clara and Jeff get about the comic is “Why did you decide to make a webcomic about disability?” While there isn’t any one answer, we felt it was an opportunity… Continue reading A fitting celebration for 1 year online

Comic History: Stephen Hawking

Today’s episode is the first in a new series we’re calling “Comic History,” which depicts real events that have happened to Clara and Jeff which were simply too funny/astonishing to not share with everyone. Please be clear, these are real events that are as accurate representations of what happened as possible. Our first offering happened… Continue reading Comic History: Stephen Hawking

Trick o’ Treat Mah Criggas

Do you remember when you were a kid, going out trick-or-treating, how sometimes schools would give you a Unicef box to collect money for starving children while you filled your sacks with candy? Jeff’s surprised there isn’t a larger element of philanthropy when it comes to Halloween, given the whole “giving free candy to children,”… Continue reading Trick o’ Treat Mah Criggas