You’d be astonished how often a Paratransit bus “won’t see you” despite the fact you are sitting right on the front steps waiting. It’s almost like they never came at all… Also it should be pointed out the exchange Rhett has with the PT operator is only the SMALLEST of exaggerations. Jeff has been told… Continue reading Dishonourable Discharge
Category: Cripz: A Webcomic
Telling Our Stories
Apologies for the late upload, Jeff’s Internet went offline moments before the Vancouver Canucks won last night and hasn’t been back until now. We blame Gary Bettman for this. Anyway, hope you enjoy the comic this week and check back next week for Part 3 of Rhett and Kate’s trip to Heroes.
People are often astonished and horrified when they hear just how bad Paratransit really is. Jeff has always said that if all transportation ran this way there would probably be open revolt in the streets. Anyway, tune in next week for part 2 of “A Trip to Heroes.” Also, shout-outs to Heroes, who had a… Continue reading Waiting
Things You Shouldn’t Ask Strangers
We interrupt our regular scheduled program for a story too good to be true. Yep, this actually happened a few days ago in downtown London. While it’s not the first time someone has simply assumed the girl with Jeff must be his nurse, and likely won’t be the last it happens either, it was definitely… Continue reading Things You Shouldn’t Ask Strangers
To The Lovely Business Owners of London
So, we love local businesses. Because we live downtown we frequent them almost exclusively. But we admit we kind of screwed around with them at last weekend’s Stairbomb (pictures of which can be seen here). Most people we talked to were unfazed, bemused or guiltily–but inactively–peeved by our little prank. But we realize some people… Continue reading To The Lovely Business Owners of London
Frankly, I never thought I’d see the day when Osama bin Laden was captured/killed. He either wasn’t real, kind of like an evil Santa Claus, or he was blown up somewhere in Afghanistan and we’d never find the body. Or he was chillin’ in a ranch with George Bush. But apparently he was real and… Continue reading USA! USA!
Stephen Harper: Communist Killer
Paid for by the Stephen Harper for World President Federation of Registered Conservative Enthusiasts.
Harper F***ed the Kids (Explicit lyrics)
Operation: Stairbomb London
To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Cripz: A Webcomic going online, we’re asking everyone to grab their caution tape and shut down as many stairways as possible. What is Stairbombing? Stairbombing was invented to help people understand (and empathize) with why accessibility is important, by “closing down” stairways with caution tape and a snarky “Out… Continue reading Operation: Stairbomb London
A Plea to Francophones
Paid for by the Stephen Harper for World President Federation of Registered Conservative Enthusiasts.